Thank you for your kindness in how you handled my car repairs. You really went out of your way and your generosity and friendship is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your kindness in how you handled my car repairs. You really went out of your way and your generosity and friendship is greatly appreciated.
Mr Mostafa,
Thank you so much for helping me with the car. I really appreciate it. I understand that you did not make profit from helping me. So as to show my gratitude, when I need an oil service or some other service, I will come to your store instead of the one I originally went to. You have brought a great deal of relief to me for fixing the car. Now I will be able to actually save from my paycheck since I”m not spending it on Uber rides to and from work. I also don’t have to worry about finding a ride to my military unit that is 2 hours away from here. So for that I thank you. I hope you have a great rest of your day, Sir.
J. P. S
No one better that the K-Man to get your car fixed. I have been going to him for over 10 years and have known him for much longer. He is honest, hard working, and fair. He will stop what he is doing to see what it is that is wrong with your car. If he can, he will fix it on the spot. I have never had this kind of great experience with anyone in the auto business. I take 2 high end cars there way before I would ever take to a new car dealer. K-Man is the best!!!
After an unfortunate encounter with a speed bump in the Valley Forge Park, I came back to my car and saw the engine oil leaking out. The Park Rangers directed me to KDS Automotive close by. I arrived just as they were closing up shop for the day.
My worst fear was not of the auto repair but of getting ripped off by an unscrupulous mechanic in unfamiliar territory. Not only did Karim know immediately that I had punctured the oil pan but his shop was immaculate and he was kind and helpful in my moment of distress.
He called me first thing the next morning to confirm his diagnosis and my car was ready by mid afternoon. He took pictures to show me the completed repair and showed me the damaged parts.
Thank you for your caring and expertise.